Why ar. I don’t really get it. BOTH of my brothers got a B for their BM! PMR ke UPSR ke.. Why B?? Of all the subjects, you guys scored a B for BM?? Didn’t you guys take tuition for BM??? I thought you’re a Malay!! Isk..
Is it because of the lack of exposure towards bahasa baku? Is it because we don’t watch malay tv shows/movies or we don’t even listen to malay songs? Is it because we’re too exposed to English language?? Is it wrong????
Something’s not right. The moment when I heard my dad’s ATTEMPT to give a malay speech, I knew that my MALAY family can’t speak bahasa baku! As in formal malay language. It’s an inherited disease!! You should listen to my dad’s half-way-bahasa-baku speech last year. He got fed up half way, then he changed to speak in English where he finds it EASIER?? Come to think of it. It’s hard to speak in the formal malay language. SERIOUSLY! No kidding! Try for one whole day to speak bahasa baku. You’ll find it exhausting!
“Mengapakah kamu tidak memakan lauk ayam itu? Bukankah masakan saya sangat lazat?”
“Pakcik teksi itu menganggu saya ketika saya berada di dalam teksinya! Dia sangat kurang ajar.”
“Saya telah mengambil buku itu dari perpustakaan dan terlupa untuk memulangkannya. Habislah saya”
“Saya berasa sangat malas untuk ke kuliah pada hari ini. Mengapakah..”
Take that! Told you it’s exhausting. I bet one of those sentences is incorrect, somewhere. Ughh..