so we reached at 6 corners, a resort, about 3hours from mansoura. the resort was not bad. (i cant give a better impression cuz i come from Penang..ughh..obviously Penang has the best resorts ever)
so the plan was to stay there til 5pm. omg, crap. i have no idea what to do for 6 hours in that resort. and i think.. this is my chance to show off my blessed talent! so i went around and took lotsa n lotsa pictures! one of my classmate caught me taking his picture and nearly threw his slippers at me. as if i was stalking him!! ughh.. damn u!
the people who spent time with me aren't my housemates cuz they didn't come along. (merajuk mode) but cakubu, husna, aino, mizah n kak lily were the best people ever! and u guys
know cakubu.. "wei lapar ar.." , "tolong ar wei, jom cari makanan.. aku dah starving gile ni!" ughh.. she tends to get darn hungry pretty fast. she eats alot but she's the skinniest one.what the.. can't blame her OMG-whataheck-laju-gile metabolic rate.
and OMG, i got to touch the Red Sea!! hahahahaha!! beat that!!! muahahhaa (excited gile)
ok enough with 6 corners. so they said "5pm, bliz be in ze bus" . i was like waiting til 7pm then only the bus arrived!! bodoh. that is so typical egyptian. ughh.
by 9pm we arrived at city stars! the largest shopping mall in egypt! yayay! shopping time! and that night was the 1st time i watched a movie in egypt! haha. and the best yet weird part about watching a movie there was, the have a 15mins break.............. THANK GOD the break was not during a climax!! if it was i would be cursing "wei bodoh! pasang balik!! tengah climax ar!!!!"
and they have salty popcorns.. ewww. haha!
ok we promised to be back at the bus by 3.30am, and OMG for the 1st time, they all managed to gather back earlier than the plan!! woo. around 3.15am we were off to ... erk.. i cant remember the place.. somewhere near Giza for horseback riding. and i didnt ride the horse cuz i was too damn tired cuz we reached there around 5am for God's sake!! ughh.. so while waiting for those people, i stayed in the bus.. nap time for me of course!
so after that, we went back to mansoura.. by 10am i reached home~ and finally, thats the end of the trip for me! yay! thanx again guys! i really need the vacation (^^,)
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