truely mouth-watering!! (literally my amylase can't stop producing).. omg. seriously there are no words to describe the heavenly feeling of every spoon of this milky, chocolaty, puddingness!!
thanks to Cakubu!! if it wasn't for her, i wouldn't find out that this God-given kinda dessert exist!!
seriously i can't stop smiling, eventhough there have been several unfortunate events that occured few minutes ago...... gimme gimme more!!
wat dat??? I also want... hurry FedEx 1 to me!!!!!!'s unfortunate that we live in Mansoura~ I keep wondering why all the juice stores only have asab, tamar hind & khrub...when we are supposed to live in kampung!! [bukan ke kampung sepatutnyer lg byk buah2 segar & mende2 kampung cm muhalabiyah tu...haha]
but, at least, mansoura xde city stars! city stars~ pleeeeeeease jangan dtg mansoura, okay? [selamat duit~~~~~]
u know all the best stuff are in Cairo :P
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