so where did i go? ah~ cairo la~ to the crystal place! called Asfour~ before this i thought 'asfour' is sum kinda spice.. anyways! here's sum asfour pics~
so later after asfour, we went to CityStars (beli present untuk abang & adik. kaklong dah pokai ~ isk) and then that evening, we went on the Nile cruise!! hahaha~ since last year i wanted to go, but once i've been there, i kinda regret it!!! isk.. why?? sebab ade belly dancer, sape yg penah naik, die je yg tau. isk.. mata suci ku..isk. but at least the food is sedap. not bad la. once in a lifetime thing la~ for 100genih kira ok ar~
so the next day, pegi lunch with yah and her brother and her brother's friend, makan2, then baru laaa sedar handphone takde dalam tangan. haih~
i knew that my phone was offended when i went to see the HTC Touch Dual. gorgeous phone..
well. at least i dont have to spend hundreds of genih buying topup every month, lebih kurang 50genih a week ok~
miss you phone.
"...pegi lunch with yah and his brother and his brother's friend.."
Yah is a HE?! (0.O!)
DOUBLE DATE HUH~ bkn nk ajk~ :P
thanx bu!
double date?!?! hahahahhaha. tak terpk lak camtu.keh3. mane leh double date ngn junior. cacat ar. eventho juniors tu kacak. agegegge~
pandai ek skang~
dating ngn lelaki muda~
tu smpai hp ilang pon x sedar tuh~
hhahaahaha!! bkn dating laaa. mane ble dating.. kekekeke~
its a senior-junior meeting la.dok bagi nasihat kt diorg sbg kakak2 mereka. keh3
aku pon xtau camne aku ble hilg hp aku tu.isk..sedih gile..
adui... miriam.... You so sad la you.... and since when your phone was a samsung?? I knew you should have given us your that sony ericson flipping thinggy mah jinggy!!
oh u dunno meh?
d sony ericson flipping thinga majingy pecah skrin on the last day i was in penang. so when i got here, i bought a cikai one~ samsung~~ and then dis one hilang 2 weeks ago..
hahahahhah! im such a careless and an ungrateful child.. isk.. bad miriam..bad!!
buy me a new one ok?? yay!!
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