Sunday 1 June 2008


the month of alotta people's birthday, meh nak list siap-siap..

1st- Izzati a.k.a Zozo! our Gossip Girl.. XOXO! turns 20 today.
3rd - Qatrunnada a.k.a Nada, setia ke kelas ustaz Salman dan juga gym.haha. will be turning 20 too.
6th - Ninah Jordan yang kempunan kari + kicap..hee~
8th - MY MAMA TURNS 50!!! mommy love uuuuuuuuuu~ (^^,)
9th - Fariza a.k.a Baji a.k.a Banji.. hahaha~ i owe u a present. turning into an adult dis year eyh. haha~
14th - Fikri a.k.a ustaz Fikri..haha~ turning 22. hayatilah ayat 286 Surah Al -Baqarah : p
17th - Hui Ting!! my friend from INTI.. a future doctor too~~ sori ar i nearly fogot u oso~~
21st - haha.sori Waniee. Shaman just told me. heeeee~ nnti teman mie go buy kasut again ok!? haha~
30th- Iman Nur Ghani a.k.a Iman a.k.a Iman the freaky twinny a.k.a Iman the supermodel from Somalia. erk. IMAN SORRY!!!!! ampunkan hippocampus mir yg x seberapa ni! nanti miry belanje wokay????

sori ek if i left out sumbody outta dis list (especially iman!!! isk..rasa besalah sgt). dis is all dat i can remember.

like what Dr Atef mentioned in his lecture,

"if the hippocampus finds that the sensory signals are important and vital @ they are rewarding/punishing, the information is VERY LIKELY to be stored in the long term memory.. If the stimulus is indifferent (as in the opposite daaa..), consolidation of memory trace for the stimulus DOES NOT OCCUR"

can this theory be trusted??? can it even be applied?!?! how can i forget my own twinny's birthday!! this is vital information here!! why wasn't there any consolidation of this information!!!!!!!! this is absurd!!

and June is also the month of keseraman (FINAL EXAM wei....) dan kebahagiaan!! (PENANG!!!!!!!)
Finals on the 22-26th June.
Flight to Penang 27th. hahahaha~



pensilkayu said...

happy devastating-ly greato birthday to all june-ians!!

ak dah tidak belasan thn lg nnt
nk menikmati usia belasan tahun
di kelilingi kertas2 lecture notes (ha ha)

tidaklah lgsng aku rindukan kari
cuma mgkin kicap itu siket siket
ak nk makan nasik lemak tepi jalan
dan burger cheese tepi jalan jugak
ha ha

kenapalah aku ada short sem
14 ogos baru balek!!
dan aku balek for a month je ):

MD said...

seriously am not expecting huhahuha party this year.isk!!

ustad?!?!adakah itu dgn nada yg sarcastic? :p
owh tidak....sungguh tidak mungkin itu.

menghayati surah 2:286 & surah 29:2.yes semangat!! said...

to ninah - hahaha~ kalu kempunan nk mkn masak kicap,dtg ar egypt! nanti aku masak utk hg~ serius ni! anyways at least tahun ni hg balik..yay!!

to fikri - 29:2 = hanya Allah yang maha mengetahui ha.
ehh... ustaz mane ble party huha3. kena antara ikhwah je.. hahaha~
(ok yg ni sarcastic.sblm ni x.haha)

ningurlz said...

kak mir...nak tmbah lagi satu !!! besday....[dgn xmalunya...]
tgh2 bulan jek..
15 june! gotcha! dah tahu kena belikn adiah taw! muahahaha [evil laugh] said...

nape ramai sgt para ibu yg decide to give birth on june!!!!!
beli present?? adeih.. nmpk x list kt atas tu?? pokaiiiiiii~~~~~~~~
kalau nk buah mish mish setengah kilo ble ar. hahhha~