Is it the excitement of going back home?
Or the ‘amusement’ of waiting to confront the final paper?
I have no idea. A bit of both I guess.
flight CAI-SIN-PEN : 2.30pm, 27th June 2008. But i'm leaving Mansoura today with Ja, Kak Wadat and Husna..
I bid farewell to friends and colleagues of Mansoura.. Especially Yah.. Yah don’t miss me ok.. yea I bet you’re gonna miss cooking with me... Iman the twinny.. celebrating her 20th birthday this 30th. Alahai iman.. sorry cuz I can’t be there : ( And I really wanted to meet Cakuna before leaving. But time seems to be the opposing factor. Urm.. Kak Kay, Kak Pipah, Nada, Baji, Temah, Tina, Zozo, Meen..huhu~ tolong tengokkan Yah.. huhu
I’ll miss Mansoura, not because of Mansoura (ewww no way..never!), but because of those friends I’m leaving behind. Don’t worry, we’ll be seeing each other again this October insya Allah : )
"Tenangkan hati kami ya Allah, semoga kami dapat menjawab soalan dengan baik demi memperoleh keputusan yang cemerlang dan jangan biarkan kami gagal.."
p/s: anybody who’s getting married this summer, better send me an invitation card ok! ; P
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