Monday, 8 June 2009

She's 51 t0day!

mama the daring ! "outside you maybe 51, but inside, you're 21" - pinjam ayat Abang yer~

yes June the month of exams and birthdays!

and the most important b'day of all is my mother's!

Happy Birthday Mom!

maaa~ kawan2 kaklong wish happy bday kat mama jugak :D
wish i could be there to celebrate with you guys tho~
and congrats for the new handphone!! so jealous!!!
dad, your choice is always the best!
"finally i got a new handphone" -reaction mama~
haha~ thank God for the new phone!! cuz i cant stand looking at her old phone which has been in the family for what.. 7 years??? cant remember when she bought it..

you deserve it mom : )
nanti boleh la nak pinjam~ heeeee.
sorry i cant afford to buy you that kinda cool gadget thingies. nanti kaklong kerja la kaklong beli untuk mama ok~huhu

ok dah rindu mereka. : (

"uuuu look at the flying monkey!!"
"what flying monkey??"

"lai tampok lai tampok! sakit sikit yaaa" - ayat kegemaran bapaku~

kaklong tuuuuuut***

nice eh?

"i'm buff" - sure abang..sure..

"sorry Muiz termakan semua benda dalam fridge"

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