haha~ name timangan yg diberi sempena trip kami~
"The 7 Traveling B*tches and the Invisible 3"
2. gi ma3rod kat cairo beli buku banyak2.. (done!)
3. shopping kat citystars and hussein!! (done!)
4. LUXOR & ASWAN (awesome!!!!!!)
5. alex wajib pegi!! (done to0!)
6. redecorate bilik! (belum T_T)
7. ngemas rumah! (belum jugak @_@)
8. tamir husni's concert kat Mansoura Univ 11hb Feb! (kalu pegi sure kena lecture ngan yah..haha)
so i did most of the things i listed..
definite awesomeness!!!
especially the gamble we made to aswan and luxor, it turned out pretty well =)
thanx everyone!!!
worse part of all, i REALLY dont wanna kira how much money that was burnt in this winter hols. but i have to T_T
a must do after this is.. BAKAR THE DAMN LEMAK!!!
makan fast fo0d tak benti, boleh mati cepat ok. T_T
result keluar 15th.. doa+tawakkal :-s
insya Allah dapat move on to semester 6.. wow.. dah clinical... gila ar!!!
owh and one more thing~
just to share with everyone = )
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