Saturday, 1 November 2008


i've started my choc cheese cake bisnez~ yay! and i got my 1st customer already! thanx ahli beit 3R!

my laptop is still under attack by sum kinda virus from China.. @_@

my mid semester exam is coming so0n but we have no idea when.cuz the lecturer wont tell us. @_@

Still dont have the suitable time for tennis @_@

did i mention that my laptop is still being attacked by a virus?

owh.. not just my laptop.. i myself caught a virus to0.. a Rhinovirus.. [its an annual thingy where us Malaysians get either a flu..or a fever or even both during early winter]

this is all just a test..

"La yukallifullahu nafsan illa wus'aha" - 2:286 (Al-Quran)
translation : He will not burden a person beyond his/her scope

Allah picked you to do certain tasks cuz He know that you can do it..

"Laha maa kasabat..wa'alaiha maktasabat" - 2:286 (Al-Quran)
translation : He gets reward for that (good) which he has earned, and he is punished for that (evil) which he has earned.

and with the right niat.. You will be rewarded : ) insya Allah ~


~*Nurul Fitrah*~ said...

look delicious..rasanya sesedap rupanya ke..?hehe :p
get well soon mir..ak dah nak final..doakan said...

insya Allah sedap tp malangnya aku x buat delivery di luar mansoura~~~
hehe~ ok i will doa 4u beb!!

~*Nurul Fitrah*~ said... malaysia laa..hehe.bila laa aku dapat rasa..:(