Thursday 28 May 2009

camne nak jadik budak sem 6?

1. boleh cope dgn kepenatan kelas dari 8.30 sampai 3-4pm.
2. boleh cope dgn ketensionan sebab x faham arabic ammiyah masa nak take history patients, therefore communication skills, dak arab je bleh buat. (padan muka sndiri!!)
3. boleh pass exam yg diadakan setiap awal bulan.
4. boleh pass exam 9th June ni (uro+nephro) and at the same time boleh completekn thesis yang wajib buat before 15th june.(10-20 pages of tajuk yg complicated) sebab kena buat thesis, kena take extra time after kelas to go to the library untuk cari info.. so balik dah nak dekat kul 5..
5. study untuk final exam 28-30th june nanti

so there's triple studying need to be done pada masa yg sama. kena study utk uro+nephro, finals AND thesis ..

lihatlah.. di mana masa untuk study?
balik rumah dah asar. pastu solat, penat tetido sekejap. bangun, kena masak makan tengok2 dah magrib, so.. study hanyalah mampu dibuat less than 4 jam. kalau tido kul 12, means you have 5 hours je untuk tido.. @_@

sapa yang dapat mumtaz tu, aku taknak kawan dengan kau!!!!

yes i'm complaining! doctor, kami penat!!! - duktur, ehna ta3ban!!! huhuhuhu~~

nobody said clinical was easy @_@

and this is only the beginning..great..

so what's the negative impact of this on us? KAMI PONTENG. why? cuz we're tired!
don't blame us for not attending some classes.
cuz we're not superman ok!! aku rasa kalau superman amek medic, mesti dia lagi penat dari terbang sana sini saving lives T_T

nasib baik urology center lawa..!! tenang sket hati ..


MD said...

pergh!!tu pun nk bising.aku since 1st year class 7/8-3.exam sebulan minimum 2x.bleyh tido 5 jam on weekdays tu kira cm bonus laa.TAU TAK?

Clinical?even ada rounds hari sabtu or ahad.klau nasib malang,kena jaga malam,overtime.nk lg malang,jaga bilik mayat.lebih2 malang,doctor tak dpt dihubungi,pastu ko kena deliver baby sendiri.lebih lebih lebih malang,ada complication wut so ever.

so,jgn nk suka suka hati complaint.damn you!! said...

hoh sape suh buat medic kt indon.

eh ni blog aku.
ikot ska aku nk k0mplen pon.

~*Nurul Fitrah*~ said...

huh!boleh ke ponteng kelas..aku tak nak hg jadi dr aku kalau ponteng kelas..huh! said...

isk. i not want to fren u if u not let me treat you! how could u fitty!! isk..
now i sad one..isk

Abenawe MacNeil said...

salam mir~

hoho i dunno wat it suppose to me..

but it is rather discouraging to me bile baca post ko~

ak taktau laa ko camne...

tp bg ak, ak takkn rationalize sumthing yg aku dah buat salah just for me to be seen unguilty doing it..

in dis case, ponteng kelas~

kalo ak ponteng kelas, itu adalah salah, silap & choice yg ak buat sndiri...

i would not blame my doctors or my tutors just to make a reason to ponteng klas~

dah nama stdent pun kan,it is our rsponsibility to attend classes...

just my 2 cent opininon~ said...

salam shafiq.

he he he (gelak evil)

nanti ko masuk sem 6 nex year..
u just wait and see. wait...and...see...

he he he..

Anonymous said...

WHAT PONTENG CLASSES???? Don't give excuses. Nothing is easy in this life. You have to persevere. FYI when I was a student sleeping 3-4 hrs/day tu kira luxury. Now pun I sleep earliest at 1.30am n wake up the latest 6.00am. If I go to bed at midnite means I'm not well. If you see me napping in the evening, I'm a hospital case. And of 'cos, if my students ponteng my class with no valid reasons like they're dead .. then be prepared to be dead ... said...

erkk who's anonymous?!
cant be dad, he doesnt have students! and IF he has students, he w0nt threat his students like you, mom !
and he doesnt wake up at 6! he wakes up at 6 pun sebab nak solat subuh.
mama i know it's you!
oh hai maa!

cakuna said...

u know wot, d comments are waaaaaaay more entertaining than the actual post. Kihkihkih.

Miri2~ lame x jmpe des. (a.k.a i'm not missing u, i'm just stating dat fact je. XD) said...

hai cak!!! thanx fo droppin by!
syok la ampa da abeh exam naaaaa~
sure cak..sure.. i know u miss me!

Anonymous said...

juz wondering..
ssh sgt ke program manchester tu??
tkot pown ade gk..
but since im so determined to be a doc,x ksah la ssh ke x kan??
when i was in foundatioun course,sy pown slalu ponteng klas gk since foundation sng jer..hehehe~
nway,if ade books yg brgune for sy to use in da future,can u plz pass it down to me??
im willing to pay..
and,jgn ponteng2 klas..tkot nnt x pass plak..
but as a junior-to-be,i'll pray for us both to pass wif flying colours..amin~
ingt taw..bout da books..
btw,im zahida..
nk taw ur name n num bole x??
nnt sng nk mntk tlg..hehe... said...

helo junior-to-be!
sorry ar time tgh tulis blog ni,emo sikit sebab stress.. biasa la medic.. taking medic is something like asking to jump off a cliff to get to the other side of the cliff which has diamonds and gold waiting for u.huhu~
cari akak kat facebook eh~ taip miriam azizi, insya Allah yg melayu tu akak la~ ada 2 or 3 je miriam azizi kt facebook tu ~
nice to meet u btw~
sorry for the bad example @_@