Thursday 24 September 2009


tingat balik the last day when i was in Penang International Airport 2 weeks ago.
mom, abang, muiz, maklong, ameerah and even paklong was there to send me off.
there was one person missing in this picture.

my Dad.

a bit upset about that..
its too bad that he cant make it cuz he was too busy with his work. well at least i get to salam him before i flew.

Dad, hopefully your hardwork will pay off.
don't work too hard.
cuz its not money that brings happiness in life.
(i'm not saying i'm not thankful laaaa)

always put family first.
unless your patient (or whoever you're dealing with) is in a code blue.
tu takleh nak wat pape la kan.

but for this raya, i can't put my family first.
i've balik kampung so many times in my life already.. about 20 times la kan for my age.
and of course its kinda hard to not raya with them.
but try la tak raya kat kampung sekali~ boleh dapat feel camne orang yang raya without family and its an opportunity for you to bond with those people who didnt go back for summer holiday~
not just that, kan tak ramai yang stayback, which means less people to handle the new juniors coming (cam ~400 orang kot coming, we're dooooomed)
boleh la tolong kan?

to my family, especially mom and dad~

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